With a passion for making great food that is natural and organic, Happy Planet looked to Vancouver Health Coach to help spread the word about the launch of a new range of Happy Planet soups.
Partnering with influential blogger and Vancouver based health coach Suzanne Zilkowsky at Vancouver Health Coach, Happy Planet hosted a product launch event at the Dirty Apron Cooking School and asked Suzanne to attend for media/blogger coverage. Known for her vast knowledge of health and expertise in creating brand awareness, Suzanne hosted a Instagram contest, asking followers to guess the new flavour soup that Happy Planet was launching.
Applying her expertise in blogger events, Suzanne promoted the Dirty Apron event both pre and post coverage.
– Successful engagement during Instagram Contest (Vancouver Health Coach account).
– Regramed to @teamhappyplanet Instagram account to support the campaign.
– The contest winner received an invite to the Dirty Apron event plus Happy Planet gift bag.
– Developed a series of content following the campaign which Happy Planet used for their blog and email marketing.