goals Tag

What is the Purpose Behind Your Health Goals?

When meeting a client for the first time I always ask a few questions about their health goals going forward. This helps me determine if their goals are realistic and how they've gotten to the point of sitting and talking with me. I can usually tell a few minutes into our conversation how dedicated this person is going to be, how much energy and time it's going to take from me to help them and whether they'll actually achieve the health goals they've mentioned. The reality is, not everyone has the drive, self confidence, dedication and purpose driving him or her...

How to Achieve your Fitness Goals

The following are three sure fire strategies for staying the course in your journey of optimal fitness. 1. Identify Your Personal Vision for Being Fit: So you’ve decided to commit to regular exercise. How come? Your answer to this question is a key to your success. If you were to get exactly what you wanted out of keeping your body moving on a regular basis, what might that be? A healthier body? More energy? Strength? Weight loss? Get really clear on what you are aiming for, and make sure it sounds and feels good to you. This will greatly increase your...

Run, Race and Set Goals

It's the start of a new year. What a great time to sit down and organize a running and racing schedule to keep you motivated and inspired all year long. Choosing one or two main goal races then organizing other races to support that goal keeps training fresh and fun. If your goal is to compete in your first race, run a marathon, or compete as an elite athlete you can benefit in many ways from goal setting. One of the benefits is you can visualize your goals, and re-read them weekly to remind yourself and stay motivated through tough training...