What’s the Deal With Neural Therapy?
Neural therapy is a gentle healing technique that was originally developed in Germany over 100 years ago. It involves the injection of local anesthetics into autonomic ganglia, peripheral nerves, scars, glands, acupuncture points, trigger points and other tissues.
Neural therapy is based on the scientific understanding that injury and illness results in long-lasting dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system controls and regulates most metabolic, immunological, healing, digestive, hormonal, and many other systemic functions. It controls such diverse issues as blood flow, pancreatic enzyme and insulin production, and metabolic activity of the liver.
An irregularity in the nervous system due to physical, psychological or toxic trauma may result in decreased flow of impulses through the body. A simple injection of anesthetic into the exact location where an abnormal impulse starts can restore the system and lead to deep healing. It will often help where all other methods have failed and is a safe, noninvasive procedure.
Neural therapy is often used as a successful pain control procedure. The more common conditions that benefit from neural therapy:
- Whiplash
- Post-Traumatic Condition
- Head Injury
- Joint Pain
- Muscle Pain
- Athletic Injury
- Back and Neck Pain
It may also be used in the treatment of but not limited to the following conditions:
- Jaw & Head Pain
- Scar formation
- Gastrointestinal Complaints
- Sinusitus
- Adrenal Gland Dysfunction
- Vertigo & Tinnitus
- Asthma and Hayfever
- Thyroid Dysfunction
- Post-Surgical Pain
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Cellulite or for Body Sculpting (Mesotherapy)
How many treatments will a patient need? Generally three to six treatments are required depending on the condition.
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