insomnia Tag

Prevention of Insomnia with Natural Treatment Options

Insomnia is a general term used to describe the patient’s perception that the amount or quality of sleep he or she experiences is inadequate, despite that the fact that the opportunity for adequate sleep exists. The problems can range from having difficulty falling asleep, being too easily disrupted with multiple awakenings, or early morning awakenings with an inability to fall back asleep. It is important to note which particular symptom the patient expresses, as this may not only indicate the cause but also the possible treatment. As such insomnia isn’t really a disease at all, but a symptom that can...

The Impossible Dream: Overcoming Insomnia

Current studies report up to 30 percent of North Americans are currently suffering from insomnia. Insomnia can be a difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Some people lie in bed for hours before properly falling asleep; others fall asleep only to wake up a short while later, unable to fall back to sleep. This is a chronic and severe problem in our society. One quarter of the population takes prescription and/or over-the-counter drugs to help them sleep. Insomnia drugs have many serious side effects including cognitive impairment, falls, tolerance and dependency, withdrawal, plus they tend to leave people drowsy and lethargic...