organic avenue Tag

Organic Versus Local Food: Which is Best?

There’s always been debate around the nutritional value of organic food.  In recent months, some studies have come out suggesting that organic food is no better than that which is conventionally grown.  But there’s also plenty of information suggesting organic food is superior to conventional grown crops.  So who do we believe? What is the truth? When it comes to ‘organic’ I think it’s important that we remember what this term really means.  Although I am a huge supporter for organic food, organic does not mean the food will be higher in nutrients.  In order to be certified organic, the food...

Does the Label Organic Deliver on its Promise?

What does the word “organic” conjure up for you in your mind? For me, ten years ago before I began to research food, “organic” meant over-priced, blemished fruits and veggies. I certainly didn’t understand why anyone would pay extra for what I thought must be subpar produce. Of course, I had never seen an organic apple at that time - I just believed they would be full of worms, since no pesticides were used. Later, after I’d actually gone into a store that sold organic produce, and found my first organic apple to not only be blemish free, but also to...