5 Ways Yoga Can Relieve Chronic Back Pain
Chronic low back pain is one of the most common causes of pain in the United States and Canada. This condition otherwise referred to as (LBP) can be the result of injuries, arthritis, pregnancy, herniated discs, stress that causes tension and poor posture. While the number of people suffering from back pain increases, so does the rate of over the counter medications used to relieve the pain. There is however, another option that can help chronic back pain sufferers and it is not available by prescription, but is practiced on a yoga mat. In a research study by ClinicalTrials.gov yoga has shown promise for improving lower back pain. It is important to know that unilateral movements can place stress on the Sacroiliac joint. Two postures to be aware of are Tree pose and Warrior 3 Pose which involve balance on one leg. Choosing the right Yoga for back pain will strengthen the spine and increase flexibility. Yoga can:
- Help incorporate breathing techniques which can lead to stress relief. Many yoga classes will incorporate a spiritual component and may offer techniques to help you reach deeper levels of healing and resolution of pain.
- Calm your mind, which can help you relax to a meditative state that can relieve your chronic back pain.
- Bring awareness to your body – balance, posture and proper alignment will be a renewed focus in your life.
- Strengthen your core and leg muscles and increase blood flow – all of which can be beneficial for the back.
- Engage your body, mind and spirit, which may lead to a feeling of self-reliance and control over your pain.
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