No More Shaving, No More Waxing: Me Smooth Product Review
What if you never had to buy another package of razors again? Never had to experience the ouch factor of a shaving cut? Could go camping for an indefinite period of time and never feel like a grizzly bear?
Now, what if I told you getting hair-free didn’t have to involve thousands of dollars or multiple, painful office visits slathered in lubricating gel, submitting to the terrifying pulse of professional laser hair removal?
Well, that’s precisely what the “me smooth” at-home professional hair device offers.
This FDA-cleared device is virtually painless, can be used in the privacy of your home, is suitable for all skin tones and actually works!
Using “elos” technology which combines Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Radio Frequency (RF), the “me smooth” device delivers gentle heat to the hair follicle, which basically destroys the hair follicle and shaft, which in turn, inhibits hair growth.
This process can take up to 7 weeks of weekly treatments – but, it is worth it!
I am light skinned with dark, coarse hair. I personally underwent almost two years of laser hair removal on my bikini line back in 2002, only to have regrowth. I recently had a series of treatments on my legs and underarms with a newer, professional laser and still got spotty results. I even felt like the hair under my arms got denser!
So, when I was sent the “me smooth” to test, I was more than enthusiastic! Packaged in a sturdy, beautiful white box, I thought to myself, this really is like the ultimate gift of freedom from shaving! I read over the instructions and was pleasantly surprised at just how easy “me smooth” was to set up. It is virtually a plug and go device consisting of a base and the hand piece.
The investment is a very reasonable $395 retail. I don’t know if you can even get a laser hair removal package for that low! Each “elos” cartridge emits 6000 pulses. You will need to replace the “elos” cartridges as they run out, but they retail for only $50 – extremely economic for the trade-off from razors!
I decided to treat my underarms, as I was freshly bronzed from a trip to Hawaii and warm weather arrived early where I live, which means I would continue to darken and be exposed to UV Light. This is a major issue with laser hair removal. You do not want to treat any area exposed to the sun for at least two weeks before and after exposure. Since I knew this was not going to happen until late fall/winter for me – treating my underarm area was the safest option. It also felt like the least scary area to for me to try “me smooth” on. Recalling the pain of my professional treatments, I did feel a bit timid to pull the trigger on my own laser device.
I started the treatment using the Low setting on my freshly shaven underarms. No discomfort at all. I tried the Medium setting. Same thing – no sting, no pain! So, I cranked it up to High and was thrilled that I was able to administer my own laser treatment – pain free.
Once the “me smooth” is powered up and you make contact between the head of the device and the skin, it starts to emit timed pulses. There is a flash of bright light and you will smell “burnt” hair, but I personally, experienced no pain. Perhaps there is a feeling of a bit of heat, but certainly nothing compared to the professional treatments. The only down side is the flash of light with each pulse is extremely bright. I felt more comfortable wearing sunglasses during my self-treatments to protect my eyes, even though “me smooth” does not indicate this as necessary.
After three weeks of weekly treatments that took maybe a minute total, I almost forgot to do my fourth week because there was really no hair to remove! I am maintaing the hair reduction with one treatment every three weeks to a month now. Needless to say I am 100% psyched about the “me smooth” and the results it offers. I can’t wait until I can treat the rest of my body and become hair-free forever! (Stay tuned – I will of course post an update once I start this!)