3 ways to make your workout fun
Are you bored with your workouts? Do you catch yourself counting down every minute on the treadmill? Your mind can play a major role in your workouts, and it’s better when you find an activity you enjoy–you’ll stick to it and have fun. Everyone who exercises knows how great it feels after the workout. This feeling can be explained scientifically–exercise releases endorphins which produce a natural high. That feeling is what gets a lot of people off the couch and into the gym, pool or court.
Fun is another big motivational factor. Here are three ideas that are sure to spice up your routine and make your workouts fun.
1. Find a Workout Buddy
Working out with others may give you the motivation you need. It’s hard to skip a workout when a buddy is expecting you to show up. Here are a few tips for finding a tennis partner, running buddy, or weightlifting pal:
- Use online resources–like www.Fit-2gether.com or the Active.com community.
- Post a flyer–at your local gym, health club or school.
- Sign up–for a fitness class, sports camp or outdoor adventure trip.
- Talk to people at work–you might find someone who is interested in a lunchtime walk or run, yoga class or trip to the gym.
2. Add Variety to Your Workouts
Variety is the key to enjoying your workout. You don’t always have to have a grueling workout. It’s better to get some activity then none at all. So if you’re feeling lazy or bored, keep it simple and get creative. For those of you who are dedicated to your sport, it’s time to try something new.
- If you’re a runner–switch up your routes; enjoy the scenery instead of watching the clock; try a spin class; or run in the pool.
- Â If you’re a cyclist–take a spin class; go for leisure rides once in a while; weight-train to strengthen those quads; or join group rides.
- If you’re a swimmer–try other water activities like water polo; kayaking; snorkeling; running in a pool; surfing; kite boarding.
Whatever your primary sport is, trying something new is fun. Take advantage of the weather and try out a popular seasonal sport.
Try snow sports in the winter–skiing; snowboarding; snowshoeing; ice skating; ice hockey; ice fishing; sledding
- Get outdoors in the summer–beach volleyball; in-line skating; surfing; kite-boarding; waterskiing; wakeboarding; hiking; jet skiing; kayaking
- Try a new class–Yoga; kickboxing; belly-dancing; aerobics
3. Set a Goal for Each Workout
Setting a goal can make your workouts fun because it gives you something to strive for. It’s rewarding to be able to push past what you thought you were capable of.
- Make sure your goal is realistic: It should challenge you, but not be impossible for you to accomplish.
- Push yourself: If you push past your comfort zone just enough, you increase endurance and become stronger.
- Set mini goals: Mentally break up your workout and set smaller destination goals. It’s easier to focus on many short destinations than it is on one large goal.
Bottom line whether exercise is your passion or just a means of staying healthy, it’s important to find ways to enjoy every workout. Try something new–you never know what might work for you.