Got Shin Splints?
Runners and other athletes, as well as fitness enthusiasts get it. It is also very common in active people. The pain in the front of the lower leg known as shin splints. Many people use shin splints as an excuse to stop working out, but I am not going to let it stop you.
Here are some causes:
- Exercising on concrete or uneven ground.
- Working out in shoes that don’t fit properly.
- Here’s exactly what it is and how to manage it.
To prevent or reduce shin splints, you must find out your foot type so that you can purchase the right athletic shoes. Foot types are flat foot, high arch, or neutral foot. How do you know your foot type you ask? Check out your foot prints. The deeper the indent- the higher the arch in the foot. Also, check with a fitness or medical professional. If you have shin splints, no matter what foot type you have, the pain worsens during and after exercise. Take care of your leg and find a proper fitting shoe.
Neutral Foot and Shin Splints: Not prone to shin splints.
Flat Foot and Shin Splints: Here the arch collapses under pressure and the muscles starts to detach from the tibia (bone) because of excessive forces. Will feel pain on the lower inside of leg.
High Arch and Shin Splints: Not good at absorbing shock. The pain here is tender when touched and you will see swelling. Forces here are transferred up the leg and bone is prone to hairline fractures.
Shoes for Flat Foot: Look for something with a sturdy heel cup. You will want to keep the heels stable above the sole. You will also want rigid soles from toes to heel. Also look for flexible toes.
Shoes for High Arch: You will definitely need shock absorption. Something with cushion, that you can jump up and down in and have flexible toes.