interval Tag

A Closer Look at Tabata Interval Training

Across the board, interval training has plenty of benefits. From fat loss, maintaining muscle, helping to strengthen aerobic and anaerobic metabolism personal trainers have prescribed this kind of training to their clients as well as the average gym goer. In summary, intervals usually consist of a high intensity bout of exercise followed by a low intensity bout (or a complete rest) and will repeat this for several rounds. For example, a person may run on the treadmill at a very fast speed for 30 seconds followed by a light jog or walk for 30 seconds and repeat that for 15-20...

Run Faster: The 30-20-10 Interval Training Formula Brings Big Benefits to Runners

Tried Tabata Training check. HIIT training check.  Yasso  800 repeat Training check.  So what is new to write about when I am running out of time to find a new challenge in my cardiovascular workouts? Well I can now give gratitude to the Danish, not for their delicious desserts, but for their research on a new running formula called the 30-20-10 or the 10-20-30 interval training method. The best part is you can complete this intense workout in less than 35 minutes. And it can be a total calorie burning blast. Exercise researchers at the University of Copenhagen, in Copenhagen Denmark,...