
Recognizing the Signs of Exercise Burnout

Exercise burnout can be described as the gradual depletion of energy as a result of overtraining or failing to change a workout routine. Many of us start an exercise program excited about becoming healthier and getting into better shape. Sometimes we will train too much in the beginning without adequate rest, embracing our workouts vigorously only to fall victim to fatigue or injury. Does this sound familiar? Exercise burnout occurs slowly and can be eliminated if the signs are recognized and dealt with early. Take a look at the following signs of this common phenomenon and see if you need...


Are you used to doing just one exercise over and over again? Well, if that is the case, you already know how boring it can become. Doing the same exercise repeatedly can become a ho-hum activity giving you a reason to stop exercising. There are several benefits individuals can gain by doing a variety of activities. The Seacity Fitness gym offers individuals the chance to perform various group fitness classes with their state of the art gym facilities. Let’s have a look at some of the benefits users stand to gain by switching up their workouts. 1. EASILY BREAK THROUGH A WEIGHT...

Body After Baby

So new mom, you have just welcomed your new bundle of joy into the world and now you want your body back. First, congratulations! Now, here are some tips for you to get on the road to getting your body after baby back. If you haven’t considered exercising, now is a great time to start. First of all, you will need your strength back to perform your duties as mom such as lifting, carrying and holding the little one. And don’t forget about carrying that stroller up and down the stairs and also, in and out of the car. Energy along...

Stability Ball Hamstring Curl: Exercise of the Week

The Stability Ball Hamstring Curl could possibly be the most effective hamstring exercise around. To perform this movement you will need a Stability ball and your body. Since the ball is unstable, your hamstrings and back muscles have to work hard to maintain your body position. Hamstring curls using the ball delivers great resistance to your hamstrings, and when done correctly this relatively “new kid on the block” is super effective. Goal: Keeping your hips up in line between your knees and your shoulders as you draw your heels in. Muscles involved: Hamstrings, stabilizer...

The ABCs of smart training: Part 2

Following the concepts outlined in the ABCs of smart training will help you increase your clients training potential, improve their skills and decrease injury potential. This is part 2 of a 3 part series. A2–AGILITY TRAINING AND ACCELERATION (QUICKNESS) DRILLS Sports require quick stops and starts, lateral movements, backpedaling, crossover turns, and pivots. Some form of agility and coordination training should be included as part of their daily sessions; you do not want to be an athlete who can play but cannot move. Points to remember when training for agility are these: 1). Always start with an athletic stance 2). Agility and...

Top Fitness Mistakes To Avoid in 2013

If you’re looking to really make that resolution count this year then here are some common fitness mistakes to avoid. Not having a plan It's like the old saying: fail to plan, plan to fail. All too often people go to the gym or workout at home on a regular basis with no real progressive plan. They may have a general idea of what they are doing but nothing concrete. They change and hit the gym floor and then have to make a decision on where to start which usually ends up with jumping on a treadmill or maybe doing some bicep...

Plank with Chest and Back Series: Exercise of the Week

In the eighties and nineties we heard the words "six pack" used to describe strong rectus abdominals. In today's fitness industry, the words core strength is commonly being used, but what does the core really consist of? Anatomically, the core consists of the muscles in the hips, deeper muscles in the abdominals such as transversus abdominus (TA), multifidus and others surrounding the spine. One of the most important reasons to strengthen your core is because the structural integrity of the body depends on it. A very efficient method of training called Functional core training challenges the participant in an environment that uses...

Bosu Burpie Pushup: Exercise of the Week

If you haven’t already seen this blue and oddly shaped ball in your gym or fitness studio, you will soon because this fitness item is one of the best to hit the gyms in a long time. BOSU stands for “Both Sides Up” or “Both Sides Utilized” depending upon whether you are talking about the BOSU Balance Trainer (the product) or BOSU (the philosophical approach to exercise). Millions of people from all over the world now train with the BOSU Balance Trainer including many of the world’s top athletes. But you certainly don’t need to be a top athlete to benefit...

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

There has been alot of buzz lately in the fitness industry surrounding High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This type of cardio training is designed to improve your overall performance as well as burn fat by completing short, very intense workouts. High Intensity Interval Training can be applied to most cardiovascular exercise such as; running, cycling, rowing, and skipping. HIIT workouts can last anywhere from 15–30 minutes and include a 2:1 ratio in terms of time. An example of a high intensity interval workout incorporating running could be 1 minute of jogging and 30 seconds of sprinting. There are however, some precautions when training with this method and perhaps the most important is that...

Socialize at the gym: Your body releases hormones that contribute to good health

When you go to the gym, are you all business with earphones in, avoiding eye contact? Or are you the social butterfly who never breaks a sweat because it takes an hour just to get out of the locker room? It you’re in the first category, you’ve likely rolled your eyes a few times when someone in the second category is leaning against the machine you want to use. But don’t rush to be so judgemental - the chatterer might be onto something. People are social creatures, and we need to interact with others for our mental well-being. Communication and human relations...