July 5, 2010
Green & Healthy Living, News, Spotlight, Supplements
Turmeric vs. NSAIDs for Knee Osteoarthritis
In 2009, a human trial compared the effects of turmeric (Curcuma domestica) versus a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) for osteoarthritis of the knee joint. This randomized controlled study examined the safety profile and clinical efficacy of Curcuma domestica extracts for pain reduction and overall functional improvement in subjects with knee osteoarthritis. Subjects with a pain score of >= 5 were given either 800mg/day of ibuprofen or 2000mg of turmeric extracts for 6 weeks. The end points of the study were reduction in pain upon walking, pain climbing stairs, and knee function assessed by subjects walking up and down stairs. Results of...