
Acidophilus Pearls vs Bio-K Probiotics

You may have already read the article on the 4 Superstar Supplements where it is mentioned that without a doubt, probiotics is one the four "must have" supplements. Among other findings, the most encouraging evidence supporting probiotic is its ability to prevent infections of the urinary system, eczema in children as well as for anyone who has ever taken a broad range of antibiotics, as these destroy the natural healthy bacterial flora that resides in our stomachs and intestines. When choosing a probiotic supplement two of our top choices are:   Acidophilus Pearls™ Acidophilus Pearls contain 1 billion Probiotic Organisms in the maximum suggested daily serving The patented capsule ensures live cultures...

Reversing the Calcium Crisis in our Youth

Calcium is critical to the physical structure and healthy functioning of the human body. It is necessary for transmitting nerve impulses and regulating muscle contraction. Calcium is the primary mineral in your body that makes up your bones and keeps them strong. Ninety percent of the human body's calcium is stored in the bones and teeth. The need for calcium starts with infancy and continues throughout one's life. If your diet is deficient in calcium, your body will take what it needs from your bones. The result, osteoporosis, is a reduction in bone density that leaves bones more porous, fragile,...

Does Echinacea Really Help Cure a Cold?

A comprehensive study of the effect Echinacea has on treating the common cold has deemed the herb insignificant. The study followed 719 people aged 12 to 80 starting when they were in the early stages of developing a cold. The participants were randomly divided up into three groups – those taking a pill they new was Echinacea, those taking no pill and those taking a pill which could be either Echinacea or a sugar pill. The results found that cold symptoms were not reduced by taking the herb, and the duration of the cold was only seven to 10 hours less in...

Nutritional Celebrities – 4 Superstar Supplements

After reading several research findings and trends in nutrition, a common theme begins to emerge. Maintain a healthy diet and you will increase your chances of staying healthy. However, is it possible to get all the necessary nutrients by simply eating healthy? With changes to our food supply such as packaging and processing and damage to our soil where fruits and vegetables are grown, even the most health conscious person may be lacking in some of the most basic nutrients. As a general rule, supplements should be taken only after considering your own unique situation. Consult first with a knowledgeable health...

Seasonal Affective Disorder – Natural Alternatives

SAD is a condition affects about 2-3% of the general population and describes those who have clinical depression only during the autumn and winter months. Symptoms include depression, difficulty sleeping, poor appetite, difficulty concentrating and functioning at work, extreme fatigue and even suicidal thoughts. Reduced exposure to sunlight has prompted the recommendation of phototherapy as a means to treat SAD. Phototherapy provides broad-spectrum light that includes wavelengths between 280-320 nm which allow the skin to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is known to be very common in North America and recent media attention has highlighted the need to supplement with...

Metabolic Syndrome: Are You at Risk?

Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X is a condition that was first reported in 1978 by Dr. Gerald B. Phillips. This syndrome is considered to be a powerful independent risk factor for mortality and morbidity associated with cardiovascular disease. A very frightening statistic puts 1 in every 4 persons in North America at risk for developing Metabolic Syndrome. The syndrome involves a cluster of symptoms that are often associated with diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. The cluster may include high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, increased waist to hip ratio and/or obesity, as well as a reduced sensitivity of our cells to insulin with...

How Strong Are Your Bones?

  It’s no secret that calcium is the essential mineral required for strong, healthy bones. North Americans consume more dairy than any other country on the planet, with the exception of India. The women in our country have been consuming an average of 2 pounds of milk each day for the better part of their lives. Why, then, is osteoporosis and bone degeneration so prevalent in North American society? The answer to this is not clear, but there are various theories. One thought is the role Vitamin D plays with respect to our bodies ability to absorb calcium. Vitamin D is produced in...

Vitamin B6: A Vital Nutrient for Your Immune System

Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine, is a water-soluble nutrient that helps in the production of neurotransmitters, which are the chemicals that allow brain and nerve cells to communicate with one another. Pyridoxine also ensures that metabolic processes such as fat and protein metabolism run smoothly. It is also important for immune system function in older individuals. It can also help address a number of conditions, including nerve compression injuries (like carpal tunnel syndrome), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and some cases of depression and arthritis. It is often used to treat high homocysteine levels along with folic acid and vitamin B12. Memory loss,...

8 Nutritional Supplements to Increase your Energy

If you are feeling drained and having trouble facing your busy schedule, here are several ways to boost your energy. Make sure that you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep, keep your blood sugar levels stable, get enough rest and exercise, and consider these nutritional supplements and herbs: Vitamin B complex. This water soluble vitamin plays a key role in cell metabolism, and is therefore critical to energy production in the body. Cordyceps. A traditional Chinese medicinal fungus that grows on Tibetan caterpillars Proponents say cordyceps improves your energy level and endurance and reduces fatigue. Magnesium and calcium. Magnesium is a...

Does Grapefruit Seed Extract Really Work?

Today I stopped in at one of the local natural health pharmacies here in Vancouver, and saw one of the staff recommend a product called grapefruit seed extract (GSE) to a lactating mother whose baby was suffering from oral thrush (candidiasis).  Not to be confused with grape seed extract, which is commonly used as an antioxidant supplement, grapefruit seed extract is used as an all purpose antimicrobial in the natural health industry that is touted as being both safe and natural.  In 2005 the journal Medical Herbalism [2005:14(3)] printed a letter I wrote outlining the problems with grapefruit seed extract, which cited several...