pilates Tag


Are you used to doing just one exercise over and over again? Well, if that is the case, you already know how boring it can become. Doing the same exercise repeatedly can become a ho-hum activity giving you a reason to stop exercising. There are several benefits individuals can gain by doing a variety of activities. The Seacity Fitness gym offers individuals the chance to perform various group fitness classes with their state of the art gym facilities. Let’s have a look at some of the benefits users stand to gain by switching up their workouts. 1. EASILY BREAK THROUGH A WEIGHT...

Pilates to Strengthen Your Core

For some people, exercise routines focus on weight loss or building muscle. For others, their mission is to increase strength, improve balance, stamina and flexibility. If the latter is your goal in the gym, then working your body ‘core’ is where you should spend your time. We rely on our bodies for everything: when we get out of bed in the morning, get dressed, go to work, play with the kids, and when we work up a sweat in the weight room. That’s why it’s important to take care of our body every day with regular exercise, nutritious food, lots of...