How to build muscle without supplements: Part Two
Previously I talked about the science and concepts behind building muscle without the aid of supplements. It is a process that can be done but keep in mind that it will take some time. Before a few sample testosterone inducing workouts are broken down, here is a recap of what was previously talked about. 1). Testosterone will have many effects on the body, both directly and indirectly. It will all have some effect on the growth of a muscle in some shape or form. 2). When it comes to program design, you want to follow the following guidelines:
– Multi-joint exercises (bench press, deadlifts, squats etc.)
– Heavy loads (85%-95% or six reps down to two reps)
– Multiple sets
– Short rest periods (under 60 seconds)
– Keep the workout under an hour to prevent a catabolic response.
– You would want to have at least two years of resistance training under your belt
Let’s assume that everything is healthy and in working order. When it comes to working out, one has several options. Without getting too fancy with exercises, here is a sample program if you like to do push/pull circuits:
1A) Bench Press
1B) Deadlift
2A) BB Front Squat
2B) Lat-Pull Down with a pronated (overhand) grip
3A) Standing DB Shoulder Press
3B) Bent over DB Row
4A) DB Lunge
4B) Seated Cable Row with a pronated grip
Complete 1A then 1B, rest for up to 60 seconds and then repeat. Take at least 15-30 seconds to transition from A to B. You can also switch it around to keep it more as a superset circuit (Bench Press – Seated Cable Row with a pronated grip/Lat-Pull Down – Standing DB Shoulder Press etc.). When you finish 1A/B, move onto 2A/B.
Are you more of a straight set kind of person? Consider a program like this:
BB Deadlift
DB Alternating Bench Press
DB Step Up
Seated DB Shoulder Press
DB Lunge
Bent Over BB Row
DB Front Squat
Perform a set of deadlifts, rest for up to 60 seconds and then repeat. Once you finish your goal set range (4-6 sets), move onto the bench press. Even though it is a straight set workout, you can easily turn it into a circuit. If you decide to do this throughout the week, substitute the deadlift with a BB back squat towards the end of the week.
If you are like me and like compound sets, you can give this a whirl:
1) BB Bench Pres
2A) One arm DB chest press
2B) Push up with a clap
3A) Incline alternating chest press
3B) Incline push up release (perform a push up and on the way up, clear your hands off of the bench
4A) Standing cable chest press
4B) Medicine ball plyo push up (start in a push up position with the med ball underneath you and in line with your chest. Perform a push up and as you explode on the way up, clear your hands off of the ground and have both hands land on the medicine ball.
1) Slow pull up (slow your tempo on the way up, quicken the tempo on the way down
2A) Lat-Pull Down
2B) Seated cable row with a neutral grip
3A) BB Bent over row with an underhand grip
3B) Seated cable row with a pronated grip
4A) One arm DB Swing
4B) DB reverse fly
5) Standing DB Alternating Shoulder Press
1) BB Back Squat
2A) BB Romanian Deadlift
2B) DB Jump Squat
3A) DB Walking Lunge
3B) DB Single leg Romanian deadlift
4A) DB Step Up
4B) Split squat jumps
For all exercises, perform up to six sets up to eight reps. For the chest day, no more than eight reps per body weight exercise. For the lower body, no more than 6-8 reps for the jumps. The same concept of performance is the same as the superset routine previously explained. Don’t forget to stretch afterwards!