
Top Food Tips For Surviving the Holidays

Did you know that in order to gain five pounds from now to the end of January, all you have to do is eat an average of 220 calories per day more than you actually need? The holidays typically encourage us to indulge in high-fat, high-calorie foods that are low in nutrients, and this is also the time we’re most likely to make excuses for skipping exercise. One of the most significant diet dangers revolves around sugar consumption. Binging on sugar increases the cravings for it while the body slows down. Along with sunlight deprivation in the winter, sugar binges...

5 Tips to Eat Healthy and Convenient

If you could choose just one culprit that could halt your eating healthy intentions, what would it be? If convenience is what you answered, you’re certainly not alone. So what's a busy person like you to do when you’re not only tired and starving but in between meetings, appointments, work or school (or all of the above?) Who could blame you for craving a chocolate chip cookie and a latte? The not-so-tricky trick is to make eating healthy more convenient than the stop at the coffee shop. Here are some simple tips to help you with your eating healthy choices, so that...

Gluten-Free Cinnamon Coconut Baked Apples

Archeological data indicates that humans have been enjoying the health benefits of apples since 6500 BC. The Europeans first brought the fruit to America over 400 year’s ago and we have been enjoying the nutritional benefits and its sweet taste ever since. This gluten-free and vegan Baked Cinnamon Coconut Apple dessert features freshly harvested apples available in natural markets right now. The baked apples are topped with Hail Merry Grawnola and shaved dried coconut before serving to Feed Your Body Royally! Does freshness matter when buying apples? Yes, because the fruit does not die when harvested. It remains a living organism that continues...

The Scoop on Fats: The Good and The Bad

Everywhere you look these days, labels and commercials shout the absence of Trans fats in our favorite foods and the presence of “good” fats instead. Our bodies need some fat for optimal functioning. But we need the right kinds of fat, and we need to practice moderation. Some fats are actually good for you, and others should be avoided at all costs. How do you know which is which? There are two kinds of fats, commonly considered "bad" and "good" fats: saturated and unsaturated fats. While both unsaturated fat and saturated fat are in a variety of foods, studies have found...

Should I take supplements or not?

Some would say that even if you eat a "balanced diet" you should still take supplements because there are not enough vitamins and minerals in the soil. What do you think? There is some truth to the assertion that supplementation has become necessary due to the fact modern agricultural practices don't preserve the quality and nutrition of the soil, and hence, the abundance and diversity of nutrients in our food has declined since the introduction of synthetic fertilizers. This is bolstered by evidence that organically grown foods have been shown to have a greater density of nutrients. Thus, my recommendation is...

Can Proper Nutrition Prevent Heart Disease?

Physicians would agree that chest pain is no laughing matter. If a person is experiencing chest pain related to heart disease or hypertension, it is imperative that they make certain healthy lifestyle choices to reduce the pain. It is widely suggested that proper nutrition can help prevent heart disease, so the first place for many to start is with improving their diet. According to the Center for Disease Control, approximately 600,000 people die each year of heart disease. That comes out to 1 in 4 deaths, making heart disease the leading cause of death for Americans. Despite the fact that heart disease...

Eat Like a Caveman: The Paleo Diet

We live in an era of information overload, especially surrounding nutrition. I personally have been overwhelmed and confused about food for most of my life. At times I thought I had the answer, after having followed a certain diet for months and months, only to be defeated by feeling sick and malnourished. I’ve tried The South Beach Diet, the vegan Thrive Diet, a basic whole foods organic diet, and a raw fruitarian-vegan diet After feeling highly unstable on my six month fruit kick, I began following a Paleo diet. Though it is just about the fourth month in, I can say that...

Allergies and Food Introduction

Digestion and the immune system: How delaying food introduction can prevent allergies + eczema in your child Allergies are the 3rd most common chronic disease among children, and eczema is present in over 10% of kids. This epidemic of atopy, a person’s predisposition to developing allergic symptoms has caused health care practitioners to look beneath the skin for solutions for our children. Starting in infancy, parents can prevent the development of allergies and eczema in their child. Pregnancy During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, mom’s should avoid foods that are highly allergenic (eggs, peanuts, cow’s milk), and any other foods...

A Diet for Balancing Pitta

The diet to balance pitta corresponds to the many of the so-called “balanced” diets out there, such as the Mediterranean or Indo-Mediterranean diet, that display a mostly balanced ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. In Ayurveda this diet is good for people that have an average metabolism, neither very fast nor slow, providing a balanced source of energy. In particular, this diet is good for people that have a hot temperament, and tend to get warm easily. Some of the recommendations of this diet are contraindicated for people suffering from excessive coldness. Pitta-reducing diet A pitta-reducing diet is predominant in sweet,...

A Question About Pea Protein…

I recently posted an article to the website on the subject of the legumes ("Beans, beans, the magical fruit?"), in part taken from a chapter of my upcoming book "Food As Medicine" The Theory and Practice of Food". In the last part of my blog I discuss the issue of the vegan protein powders that seem all the rage these days. I have spent some time on medline researching these ingredients, chief among them being pea protein isolate. If you do a google search on it, most of the "information" is marketing, about how it's well-tolerated, well-digested and hypoallergenic....