fat Tag

Top Five Misconceptions About Body Fat

Body fat has been long demonized in modern culture. Just the mere words can make people squirm. For years we have tried to burn it, shred it, lose it, trim it and tone it. Yet many of us don't really understand what it is and why it's necessary. The media has played a major role in shaping our misperception of body fat. Many myths and a ton of misguided information have arisen because of this. Here's our list of the top five misconceptions about this much misunderstood tissue. Muscle Turns To Fat A classic and one of my personal favorites: The idea that...

Will Getting to Bed Late at Night Make You Fat

Many of our hormones are intimately related to circadian rhythms, and their function gets thrown off when we completely ignore the fact that night follows day, and day follows night. During the longer days of summer, mammals are hardwired to find sustenance to store as fat, to help them last the shorter days of winter where they will be either hibernating or eating less due to lack of food availability. In humans, this hardwiring shows up as a desire for carbohydrates. By choosing to stay up with the lights on, watching TV or doing computer work late at night long after the...

5 Good Reasons to Fall in Love with Healthy Fats

Quite commonly from time to time I will overhear conversations and various perceptions about an essential nutrient dear to my heart, Fat. “Eating fat will make you fat” and expressed fears of eating fats of any kind to avoid gaining weight are among the conceptions I often hear. In our society today, there is a strong focus on non-fat or low fat food products. Sometimes I almost catch myself starting to feel sorry for this lovely macronutrient. But in time, these impressions are beginning to turn around and fat is getting the recognition it deserves for being extremely important to...

Are You Getting the Fat Loss Results You Want from Weight Machines? Free Weights vs. Weight Machines

Since the 1970’s the Nautilus machines have been promising awesome results in little time and one body part at a time. And since the 1970’s gym members wanting fat loss results from performing a circuit workout on weight machines have yet to see real results. This is one reason avid gym goers still look the same as they did last year and not any more defined and not any smaller. Weight machines are attractive to gym members because they are easy to use and require little instruction. All you have to do is look at the picture on the machine...

Interval Training for Fat Loss

Many people mistakenly believe that the best way to lose weight through exercise is to train at a very slow pace for a long time. This notion came from Scandinavian studies conducted in the 1960s that showed that the body used more fat when exercising very slowly than when training more intensely. Some people interpreted these results to mean that low-intensity exercise is better for losing fat. This notion is nonsense! You lose fat by burning more calories than you take in. You will burn many more calories training intensely than exercising slowly. The body does not metabolize fats by themselves....

Skinny Fat: Can You Be Skinny and Fat At The Same Time?

Just looking thin or skinny on the outside is not indication of what’s going on inside and is not a guarantee of health. Skinny fat is basically when a person looks skinny on the outside, but actually has a high percentage of body fat. Skinny fat people will achieve this look by dieting, often times extreme dieting, and failing to exercise, or only engaging in certain forms of cardiovascular exercise that burn large numbers of calories. The easiest way to determine if a person is skinny fat is to evaluate their body fat percentage. One of the most common ways to do...