stress management Tag


The funny thing about stress management is that when people are under stress, they genuinely believe there is no time to be healthy, or relax. Yet, a simple 15 minute time investment or an adjustment in attitude is sometimes all it takes to keep it together, and even improve the experience. Interestingly, as little time as there seems to be in a busy, hectic schedule, people seem to find time “managing stress” in ways that actually drain them more, such as taking a cigarette break, having a drink, watching mindless TV, emotional eating or ranting/complaining on the phone or through...

New Service Targets Overstressed Vancouver Residents

In today’s world of endless distractions, always-on connections, and breakneck speed work, it’s easy to feel drained and anxious. Instead of addressing the root cause of stress, too often we medicate it away with caffeine or even prescription drugs, which, over the long run, run our batteries still lower. These symptoms of low energy include: feeling frequently tired, anxious or overwhelmed and over time, this will lead to deficiency in self-care, especially around energy and health. It’s an unfortunate fact, but in today’s world of endless distractions and rapid pace, self-care in the area of health frequently falls to the bottom...

New Service to Target Stressed Clients

In today’s world of endless distractions, always-on connections, and breakneck speed work, it’s easy to feel drained. Instead of addressing the root cause of low energy, too often we medicate it away with caffeine or even prescription drugs, which, over the long run, run our batteries still lower. These symptoms of low energy include: feeling frequently tired, anxious or overwhelmed and over time, this will lead to deficiency in self-care, especially around energy and health. It’s an unfortunate fact, but in today’s world of endless distractions and rapid pace, self-care in the area of health frequently falls to the bottom of...

Choosing a Preventative Approach to Stress Management: Part One

Often we can tell when someone is stressed out simply by what they tell us: “I am so overwhelmed. I have too much on my plate. I can’t handle it right now. I can’t keep up. I’m frazzled” “I’m so stressed out. I’m so stressed out. I’m so stressed out.” Repeating these mantras can make the experience of stress a self-fulfilling prophecy. There’s no doubt about it: the business of life can be stressful. We aim to keep up and maintain a certain quality of life, and often lose our sense of balance in the grind of it all. Frequently we forget to...

Natural Solutions for Stress Relief

In today’s modern world, many things can cause people to become stressed. Family situations, problems at work, personal finances and more can create anxiety, which may lead to depression if not addressed. People need to find ways to stop stress before it gets to unreasonable levels. Thankfully, there are numerous natural ways to stop stress in its tracks. Many of these options can be done in the privacy and comfort of one’s own home. Most are also budget-friendly. However, a few stress relief techniques may require the expertise of a trained professional. Massage Massage can be done at many spas and at...