workplace stress Tag

Preventing Stress at Work from Becoming a Health Risk

You may have your life set up as optimally as possible for preventing stress. For example; a well-paying job, comfortable standard of living, good relationships, healthy foods in your pantry and a steady exercise routine. However, there is one key piece to consider that often gets overlooked. Your health is still at risk if your job causes you stress. According to this Women's Health Study, sponsored by the American National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, stress in the workplace is a primary hazard for heart disease. In the findings of this large study (17, 415 middle-aged women), factors that increased cardiovascular...

How to Deal With Workplace Stress

According to the 2011 Buffett National Wellness Survey, the top health concern cited by employers with respect to the establishment of employee wellness programs was workplace stress. I recently had a conversation with a patient about stress. He lives a stressful life and has for a long time. His work is stressful, but he does it because he enjoys it. Because the stress has been affecting his health, the question is whether the job is worth it. Upon further discussion, I learned that he can do the same work pretty much anywhere. That’s one of the benefits of computers, cell phones, email,...