Author:Melissa Carr

What is Success?

Have you ever watched any of the TED Talks? Search out TED Talks online (or on Netflix) and you’ll find a wide assortment of videos of talks on a wide range of topics by amazing speakers. They run from 10-25 minutes long and I think are worth a regular visit to see what you can learn about, be inspired for, and change your perception. I’m going to run a series of reviews and recommendations for TED Talks and will start with one from John Wooden and his thoughts on success. Because you might like to learn why you he’s a good person to...

How to Deal With Workplace Stress

According to the 2011 Buffett National Wellness Survey, the top health concern cited by employers with respect to the establishment of employee wellness programs was workplace stress. I recently had a conversation with a patient about stress. He lives a stressful life and has for a long time. His work is stressful, but he does it because he enjoys it. Because the stress has been affecting his health, the question is whether the job is worth it. Upon further discussion, I learned that he can do the same work pretty much anywhere. That’s one of the benefits of computers, cell phones, email,...

Multitasking: A Four Letter Word?

How do you feel when I say the word “multitasking”? Do you feel overwhelmed? Or do you proudly say that you’re a good multitasker? Does it stress you out? Or do you feel efficient? As a health professional, I’m supposed to tell you that multitasking may be bad for your health. After all, your focus is usually poor when you try doing two or more things at once. Take, for example, the well-known risks of driving and talking on a phone or text messaging. In TCM, even eating and working at the same time is discouraged. We believe that the...