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How to build muscle without supplements: Part Two

Previously I talked about the science and concepts behind building muscle without the aid of supplements. It is a process that can be done but keep in mind that it will take some time. Before a few sample testosterone inducing workouts are broken down, here is a recap of what was previously talked about. 1). Testosterone will have many effects on the body, both directly and indirectly.  It will all have some effect on the growth of a muscle in some shape or form. 2). When it comes to program design, you want to follow the following guidelines: - Multi-joint exercises...

Building Muscle Without Supplements? Part One

The supplement business is a multi-billion dollar business. From your local vitamin shop to your local grocery stores, there is at least one isle that contains some sort of supplement. All of these pills and powders help to promise lean looking muscle, a longer lasting “pump”, weight loss or weight gain. Some may work while others will not and cause adverse side effects. Many people can cash in on the supplement business because of  the fact that the government deregulated the sale of all of vitamins and pills you see over the counter today. Because of this deregulation, anyone can...

Does Total Calories Lead to Muscle Growth? Or Is It About Protein?

The concept of taking massive amounts of protein to gain muscle and weight has been going on for years.  There are arguments for and against the total amount of protein you would need.  On one end, there is the argument that large amounts of protein will help build muscle.  On the other end, there is the argument that it is all about the total amount of calories.  Both arguments make sense.  But to understand the arguments, one first has to understand where protein is coming from. All proteins are composed of something called amino acids, which are your basic building blocks...