drink Tag

Yerba Mate: A Traditional Source of Health and Energy

If you ever find yourself in Argentina, you will most definitely be offered a cup of their national drink: yerba mate. There, they still drink this tea-like infusion with a gourd and bombilla (a round drinking vessel and filter-straw). Slightly woodsy in taste, yerba mate is also preferred over coffee in Paraguay, Uruguay and Southern Brazil. This beverage is made from the leaves of the shrub-like holly tree, native to the subtropical South American rainforest. For centuries South American tribes have sipped on this “drink of the gods” for its rejuvenative effects, giving them invigoration, focus and nourishment. Argentine cowboys...

Coconut Matcha Smoothie

This is a power packed smoothie that I enjoy drinking for breakfast, or as a healthy pick-me-up! It’s easy to drink and does not leave you feeling heavy, so you’re energized for a busy workday ahead. WHAT'S GREAT ABOUT THIS SMOOTHIE:  Matcha:  As far as its health benefits go, matcha is a powerful antioxidant. It's being used as a pre-workout supplement to increase energy and focus in the gym. Studies have also shown drinking matcha before a workout increases fat loss. So, it's a win-win. Matcha's vibrant green comes from high amounts of chlorophyll. This aids the body's natural cleansing, detoxifying and...

Juicery Adventures at Wanderlust Whistler

I was invited by The Juicery Co. to showcase the Wanderlust Whistler Yoga festival through my eyes, ears, and taste buds this past July 30th - August 3rd. After spending two full days of yoga-ing, meeting new friends and drinking cold-pressed juice, I am full of inspired teachings and a contagious feeling of desire for human connection - as well as a greater respect for my own personal growth. The festival begins late in the week by bringing together a remarkable group of yoga and meditation instructors, musical performers, world-renowned speakers, and chefs for a four-day retreat in the world’s most...

Dehydration: Do You Drink Enough Water?

You may already know that the human body is over 60% water. And you may have been told that the average adult should drink about 8 glasses of water every day. But did you know that by the time a person actually feels thirsty, their body has lost roughly 1 % of its total water? Dehydration can have a physical effect on our bodies before we even experience thirst. Once the body loses only 0.5 % of its water, there is already an increased strain on the heart. Obviously dehydration has a wide range of severity depending on the total...