coconut oil Tag

Coco Rinse for Good Oral Health

Good dental hygiene and excellent oral health have a beneficial effect on your overall wellbeing. Glossy white teeth not only give you your brilliant smile, but the mouth-body connection has been well established by medical science. Healthy teeth and gums are linked to the prevention of many diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, lung conditions, and even cancer. You may find it hard to believe that an ancient Ayurvedic practice from India can transform your body by detoxifying it. Recently, I started using a coconut oil rinse called Coco Rinse by Kismet Essentials. I was instantly impressed when I saw that...


Good dental hygiene and excellent oral health have a beneficial effect on your overall wellbeing. Glossy white teeth not only give you your brilliant smile, but the mouth-body connection has been well established by medical science. Healthy teeth and gums are linked to the prevention of many diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, lung conditions, and even cancer. You may find it hard to believe that an ancient Ayurvedic practice from India can transform your body by detoxifying it. This is an incredibly simple process that maintains impeccable dental hygiene. Oil pulling also boosts metabolism and wakes you up first...

Coconut Oil: An Essential Fat for Weight Loss

Have you attempted to follow a low-fat diet in hopes of losing or maintaining weight, only to be experiencing low levels of energy and intense food cravings leading you to overeat? Contrary to popular belief quality saturated fat such as virgin coconut oil is essential for weight loss and health. When you eat sufficient quantities of the right combinations of fats you’ll notice that you can go for hours without eating and without experiencing cravings, because your body is satisfied and your blood sugar is stable. When you consistently use coconut oil (along with other healthy fats) you provide essential...

Raw & Vegan Coconut Oil Recipes for Health: Energizing Coconut Peach Melba Smoothie

How can you easily incorporate coconut oil into your daily diet and enjoy its health benefits? Try this raw and vegan Coconut Peach Melba Smoothie. Coconut oil is nature’s richest source of healthy medium chain fatty acids, which help stimulate your body’s metabolism, aid in weight loss, improve cholesterol levels and protect us from disease due to the oil’s anti-microbial properties. To reap the numerous health benefits coconut oil has to offer, the recommended daily intake is 1-3 tablespoons. One of the easiest ways to consume 1 tablespoon per day is in a smoothie. This energizing vegan Coconut Peach Melba Smoothie...

Benefits of coconut oil for pregnant mothers

Coconut oil contains lauric acid, a powerful anti-microbial fatty acid that protects the immune system of the fetus and newborn. Pregnant and nursing mothers should eat coconut oil to increase the quality of the womb environment and breast milk. There has been a lot of research lately discussing how the environment of the womb can affect the long term health of the baby with respect to autism, allergies, asthma, food sensitivities and other chronic conditions. In past blogs we have talked about the health benefits of coconut oil but not specifically its protective properties for pregnant and nursing mothers. A healthy diet...